Mailing Master is a simple but powerful e-mail list manager that allows you to keep large lists of e-mail addresses and to send messages and newsletters to all of them or to a subset, both easily and comfortably. It includes a rich-text editor that lets you create, save, load, and edit your messages - either in plain text or HTML - for further dispatch to your contacts.
The program's interface is as simple as it is pleasant. It includes an area where you can add your e-mail addresses one by one and then select them all, a subset, or just a specific one. Once your list is ready, you can save it or export it to a disk file, so that you can manage different lists separately. There are also three buttons that allow you to perform some interesting tasks - one will auto-update your addresses' data via the POP3 protocol, another one will open the built-in rich-text editor, and the third one will send the current newsletter or message to the selected contacts via SMTP protocol. Finally, there is also a small area that displays those messages sent using the e-mail servers.
A very remarkable feature of this program is that it can automatically notify you about any subscribe or unsubscribe request sent by your contacts (this is the function of the first button described in the previous paragraph). However, for the program to be able to send and receive messages properly, it is necessary that you configure your POP3 and SMTP servers previously. In addition, you can set certain properties for your e-mail lists, like the list name, the subscribe or unsubscribe addresses, and their corresponding identifiers. Besides, it also includes HTML templates to send subscribe or unsubscribe requests to your contacts, with or without a required confirmation. The program also allows you to open a quick preview of the message before actually sending it to all or part of your contacts.
This trial version of the program is not limited by any temporal restrictions, though it does not allow you to save or export your e-mail address list, and will handle only a limited number of them. Furthermore, it has been successfully tested on all Microsoft Windows versions up to XP.